Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

sura 48 Fath


1. Verily We have Granted thee a manifest victory

5. That He may Admit the men and women who believe, to gardens beneath which rivers flow, to dwell there in for aye, and Remove their ills from them; and that is for God the highest achievment (for man)

6. And He may Punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the polytheists, men and women. who imagine an evil opinion of God.

9. In order that you( o men) may believe in God and His Apostles, that yoy may assist and Honour Him. and celebrate His praises morning and evening

13. And if any believe not in god and His Apostle, We have Prepared, for them who reject God, a blazing fire.

18. God's Good Pleasure Was on the believers, and He sent down tranquility to them; and He Rewarded them with a speedy victory.

20 God has Promised you many gains that you shall acquire.

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